Fine Arts
Weekly music classes are taught to all students beginning in kindergarten. Students may try out for choirs beginning in sixth grade. The senior high choir, ensemble, and chorale have received numerous awards and have been recognized nationally for their performances. Students may join one of RCA’s three band programs and begin individual lessons as early as fourth grade. Individual piano lessons are offered before, during, or occasionally after school. Two handbell choirs are offered to students in middle school and senior high.
Weekly art classes are available to all academy students beginning in kindergarten. Art electives are offered to students at RCA beginning in the middle school grades and continuing into senior high school where students can take art courses for credit.
Senior High students at Raleigh Christian Academy take a speech and public speaking course as a part of their graduation requirements for a college preparatory diploma. Students participate in regular speech and oratory activities on campus and participate in fine arts competitions during the spring semester.

Special Events & Field Trips
- Elementary Field Day
- Middle School Retreat
- Senior High School Retreat
- Clown Day
- Hat Day
- Food Drive
- School-Wide Christmas Program
- Fall Spirit Night
- Spirit Week
- Homecoming
- Elementary Fine Arts Competition
- NCCSA Solo and Small Groups Competition
- NCCSA Fine Arts Festival
- Spring Recitals and Concerts
- Hillridge Farms
- North Carolina Zoological Park
- Marbles Kids’ Museum
- Museum of Life and Science
- Old Salem
- North Carolina Legislature
- Museum of Natural Science
- North Carolina Outer Banks
- Wilmington, North Carolina
- Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia
- Battleship Memorial USS North Carolina
- BTI Center for Performing Arts
- Washington, D.C.
- New York City
- Downtown Raleigh Historic Sites
- Orlando, FL
Students need more than just a heavy concentration of college-preparatory courses. To be well-rounded, students must have a variety of activities that will enhance their educational experience. Raleigh Christian Academy offers a wide range of activities that complement the rigorous academic program.
Principal’s Club
This club is composed of students in middle school and senior high who achieve a grade point average of 4.0 or higher each quarter. Students receive special recognition through the school newspaper and a card that enables them to receive discounts in the bookstore, concessions, as well as free admission to all athletic contests.
Saved to Serve Clubs (S2S)
This club purpose is to encourage students toward lifetime ministry. Two separate clubs serve both the middle school and the senior high. The clubs meet twice each month for lunch. Special speakers meet with the students to share personal testimonies about God’s calling in their own lives.
American Christian Honor Society
Membership of this club includes students in grades 10-12. Evaluation is made according to several criteria:
- Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Favorable evaluation by three members of the senior high faculty in the areas of character
- Service to church and community
Raleigh Christian Academy
Address: 2110 Trawick Rd.,
Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: 919-872-2215
Raleigh Christian Academy is a ministry of Beacon Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC.
North Carolina Christian School association
American Association of Christian Schools
North American Christian School Accrediting Agency
National Council for Private School Accreditation

Raleigh Christian Academy has a racially nondiscriminatory policy. That is, we do not discriminate against applicants and students on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin.